Category Plants
Weird Bloom
This bloomed in my house yesterday. It grows on a vine that looks similar to a lipstick plant (thick juicy leaves though a little bigger) and I have no idea what it is. Two blooms like this in a hanging…
Harpischord, Chair, Sheila Heti
Being done classes has meant that I have a little more time again, and though I’m looking forward to returning to work on a MFA in the fall, it’s been nice to have the morning free before slogging it out…
Year 2012 Begins
A great way to start the new year: Cuba (thanks prism international for the funds!) and a publication in Granta, and finishing off a BFA at UVic! Studio Recitals 3:30 on Sunday January 15th and 29th in Wood Hall, VCM.
New addition to the big pink block; the place is close to a jungle. Gardenia, one of 250 flowering species of coffee (wikipedia) UPDATE: I’m sorry to say this good friend succumbed to spider mites recently. We’ll miss you Gardenia,…
Orange Babies
The orange tree has budded and raised fourteen juniors: mini-mandarins! (But so sour!)